We aim at helping people to understand themselves, understand the requirements of the work life and other conditions of different “lines of work”, and use “true reasoning” to find a match between the two.
We are now in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with technological changes automating every industry. We need to be aware of the world of work and future of work while travelling our career journey; as well as to predict and prepare for changes. Today career development can no longer be predicted, it is an individual process. It is seen as a lifelong development, influenced by environmental factors, and forged by individuals. This forging is dependent on the availability of adequate skills and knowledge. It is exactly at this point that lifelong education support starts playing a role.
We adopt a holistic model of lifelong development requiring each individual, to identify their unique talents, and understand how to transition those into skills in their career journey.
We help people to acquire skills to deal with change and development, by first helping them to determine precisely what skills and knowledge are needed. Afterwards helping them to determine how, where and when they can be acquired. The role of learning is the key to knowing how to build the intelligent career.